Saturday, June 9, 2007

Week 10: Catch up

My Farewell,

I bid you goodbye as I head off for my dance program first thing tomorrow morning. I'm so sorry about all the hassle of trying to find my cord and then my charger. Here are all the pictures I took before I lost everything ;) :

First Group: Flowers from Surgery

Second Group: Maggie (my darling Yorkie)

Third Group: Pictures from the St. Louis Zoo

There you go, three groups of pictures,

for three weeks worth of pictures.

Have a great Summer while I'm gone. :)

Vintage Girl

p.s. help keep me on.



Windfall Woman said...

I love these photos VG. They are so different. You can almost smell those gorgeous flowers. Hope you are feeling better. Kiss that doggie for me.

Maggie said...

I love these pictures :)

especially the ones of me :D

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